Experience the Difference

The Shuk: A Committee on Inclusion & Community
Because Here, No One is a Stranger

Our Mission
The Emery/Weiner School strives to honor the diverse backgrounds of all members of our community by creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals from differing backgrounds, abilities, and beliefs can participate fully in the life of our school. Exploring, celebrating, and honoring differences are integral to our mission as a modern, pluralistic Jewish institution.

We believe that our community is best served when we place Kvod HaBriot or human dignity at the center of everything we do — the dialectic that comes with diversity is essential to our mission. We are committed to an ongoing process of honest self-reflection on the nature of our environment in order to ensure a sense of genuine inclusion for all.

About The Shuk
The Shuk is a crowded and vibrant marketplace where people bring fresh produce, spices, and goods – it’s also a place where diverse humans come together. It’s a social hub where people come to connect, discuss, and share.

At EWS, the Shuk’s charge is to support and celebrate the diversity of people by facilitating cultural programming that will contribute to the communal growth at Emery/Weiner as we strive to be ever more aware of the challenges and the gifts of diversity.

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Rabbi Laura Sheinkopf
Director of Jewish Life

List of 1 items.

  • 2024-25 Committee Members

    (Chair) Stephanie Hatley
    Cara Bendayan
    Caryn Mackoff
    Tanya Meinecke Smith
    Kay Parker
    Juanita Reyes
    Jyme Roundtree
    Rabbi Laura Sheinkopf 

The Emery/Weiner School

A private, pluralistic Jewish, college-preparatory middle and high school serving grades 6-12. 
Click here for more information.