Experience the Difference
THE EMERY DIFFERENCE is one of those things that, unless you’ve experienced it, you can’t quite put your finger on. It is the essence of what we do to engage our students to explore opportunities beyond what each might imagine on their own and lies at the foundation of the
EWS student experience. 

A gift to the Emery Difference Fund also offsets, quite literally, the difference between what tuition covers and the true cost of a uniquely-Emery education, increasing the breadth and depth of resources available for our students. You make a difference when you support the Emery Difference Fund. Thank you in advance for your generosity.  
If you have any questions or would like to talk with someone directly about making a gift, please call Ashley Matthews, Associate Director of Development at (832) 204-5900, ext. 188, or Rebecca Starr, Director of Advancement at (832) 204-5900, ext. 104.

The Emery/Weiner School appreciates the generous support of the Houston Jewish Community Foundation.

Emery Difference Fund Giving Levels

  • Rothschild Society - $100,000 (payable over four years)*
  • Golda's Circle - $50,000 (payable over four years)*
  • Gesher - $10,000*
  • Sanhedrin - $5,000*
  • Knesset - $2,000*
  • Chaverim - $500
  • Matana - $180
*invitation to Head of School Reception.
    • EDF logo (NEW) - Dena

List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Rebecca Starr

    Ms. Rebecca Starr 

    Director of Advancement
    (832) 204-5900
    San Francisco State University - B.S.
    San Francisco State University - M.S.
  • Photo of Ashley Matthews

    Ms. Ashley Matthews 

    Associate Director of Development
    (832) 204-5900
    Texas Tech University - B.A
  • Photo of Melissa Borinski

    Ms. Melissa Borinski 

    Assistant Director of Communications
    (832) 204-5900
    University of Georgia - A.B.
    University of South Carolina - M.L.I.S.
  • Photo of Kerianne Parker

    Ms. Kerianne Parker 

    Assistant Director of Communications
    (832) 204-5900
    The Art Institute of Houston - Bachelor's
  • Photo of Tammy Feldstein

    Ms. Tammy Feldstein 

    Development Associate
    (832) 204-5900
    University of Texas, Austin - B.A.

The Emery/Weiner School

A private, pluralistic Jewish, college-preparatory middle and high school serving grades 6-12. 
Click here for more information.