Experience the Difference

List of 14 items.

  • Lisa Shapiro Strauss

    We have seen tremendous growth in our son, due in large part to EWS.  By playing football, he became more confident and determined to succeed in every aspect of his life.  The teachers he had helped his academic growth, always believing in him and helping him feel secure in his ability to learn.

    The friendships he made are lifelong.  We are so proud to have our 3rd EWS graduate head into the world more prepared than we anticipated.  Thank you EWS for opening all of these doors for him and giving him the space to soar!
  • Scott H.

    While not taking it for granted, the academics were/are a bit of a given for me. What I found to be the most rewarding is how the entire faculty is comprehensively bought in on nurturing confidence, self-worth, tolerance, and acceptance in every child/student.

    I am confident both my girls (Class of '19 and '23) recognize just how amazing this experience has been for them and this appreciation will no doubt grow as they enter the different phases of adulthood. Selfishly, it was also a remarkable experience for me as well.
  • From Rebecca B. Class of '20

    The curriculum and student experience at Emery is so personalized that it is easy to interact with many different types of people in an array of fields and subjects. Thus, the extracurriculars, classrooms, and friendships are often diverse and multi-grade level. This contributes to the communal vibe that Emery prides itself on.
  • Marci Baker

    The Emery/Weiner School has been a wonderful fit for both of our sons. We especially appreciate the excellent balance of academics, athletics and fine arts which has helped them mature and grow. The community develops students who are welcoming and genuine.
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  • Isabel and Dane

    We were not sure what to expect, but we knew we were joining not just a school, but a community that fosters kindness, education, and big thinking as well as values and respects diversity. As our son now enters the seventh grade, we could not be happier.
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  • Dr. and Mrs. Michael Eisenberg

    We feel fortunate to be a part of The Emery/Weiner School, where my eldest two children are thriving. My oldest son just completed middle school at EWS and has started ninth grade. His middle school experience at EWS was nothing short of remarkable.
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  • Jaffrey and Chris Getz

    The day our oldest first walked onto the Emery/Weiner campus, we knew that she was going to experience something truly great. Since that day, EWS has become a second home to her, her sister, and our entire family.
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  • David Goldstein

    As a parent of a recent graduate, I always knew...I could count on faculty, individually and collectively, to make an effort to get to know my son in a deeper way, beyond his grades, classroom participation, and sporadic homework completion, and to collaborate in the effort. 
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  • From Claire Gottsegen Class of '13, Yale University Class of '17

    The reason I had such a good time at Emery academically is because I wanted to be there—and that is what is so special about this school. At Emery, the students, teachers, and faculty work together to create this incredibly unique atmosphere.
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  • Benjamin and Rachel Lavine z'l

    I did not have a private school frame of reference other than college, but any doubts I had about Emery were washed away in the first week as my son was literally excited to get to school each day.
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  • Dr. Rachel Parry

    My son was admitted to other high schools with music programs, but chose Emery because of its unique music program. It was truly love at first sight when he saw the music space with all of the guitars… You, in the Emery music program, mentored him. 
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  • From Zack Pokroy Class of '17

    Unlike most schools, Emery provides the unique opportunity to go out of your comfort zone and chase any of your passions and interests with zero judgement. Whether it is joining a new club, trying a new sport, or engaging in a fun extracurricular, Emery fosters an environment that pushes students to reach their full potential in whatever area they want to be successful in.
  • From Austin Rodriguez Class of '17

    To me, the Emery difference is Kelly Dean getting our high school rock band the only paid gig that we ever played. Teachers will bend over backwards to give you opportunities that other kids wish their schools provided.
  • Current Emery Students

    We asked current Emery students to briefly describe: "What does the Emery Difference mean to you?" Here are some responses:
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Stuart J. Dow, Head of School

 Beyond helping develop their minds, we are helping instill a profound sense of self in our kids – a “self” that’s been pushed, pulled, nurtured & challenged so that our graduates leave Stella Link with a confidence they’ll carry for a lifetime.

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Ryan Hertlein

    Mr. Ryan Hertlein 

    Director of Admissions
    (832) 204-5900
    University of Houston - Bachelor of Science
    Walden University - Masters
    University of Southern California - Certificate
  • Photo of Jorge Arciga

    Mr. Jorge Arciga 

    Associate Director of Admissions
    (832) 204-5900
    Rice University - B.A.
  • Photo of Fannet Nater

    Ms. Fannet (Kavalerchik) Nater 

    Associate Director of Admissions
    (832) 204-5900
  • Ms. Renee Malone 

    Middle School Receptionist / Admissions Administrative Assistant
    (832) 204-5900

The Emery/Weiner School

A private, pluralistic Jewish, college-preparatory middle and high school serving grades 6-12. 
Click here for more information.